Welcome to the SOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE GREEN PARTY, which covers the district council areas of South Kesteven and South Holland.
The Green Party aims to create a JUST, EQUITABLE, and SUSTAINABLE society. We focus our efforts primarily, though not exclusively, through the electoral system.
The Green Party is a democratic organisation. Uniquely for any Westminster Party, our members, who come from all walks of life and most of whom are not professional politicians, each have a voice. They decide our policy, how our policies are written, updated and amended, thus opening up politics to those outside the Westminster Establishment.
Become a Member
For each General and (up until recently) European election we produce a manifesto based on our policies, setting out our immediate priorities and goals.
You can directly affect this Policy Process by becoming a member.
If you would like to chat to someone about what being a member of the Green Party involves, or if you would prefer to support us in another way, for example, delivering leaflets, please contact us at info@southlincolnshire.greenparty.org.uk.
Action on climate change
Only Greens have a record of speaking up for action strong enough to tackle the climate change emergency.
Social Justice
Greens are passionate about building a country where everyone has a good quality of life.
Our community
Community is at the heart of everything Greens do.