Grantham Barracks Protest


Grantham Barracks Protest
Grantham Barracks Protest

Members of the South Lincolnshire Green Party, employees from the Woodland Trust and members of the public organised a protest last week against the removal of 67000 trees at the Prince William of Gloucester Barracks in Grantham.

Anne Gayfer from the Green Party said, “We’re asking for leadership to help us provide a future for our children.  The future of economic development is a stable environment and I am exasperated that our government cannot see that removing trees, which then leads to development that impacts on all of our natural systems must stop”.

Adam Cormack from the Woodland Trust added, “More than 2,500 people responded to the recent consultation on the future of Prince William of Gloucester Barracks to oppose development plans to fell around 80% of the trees planted on site. These trees were planted by the Woodland Trust and the local community. We are urging Homes England to present new proposals that protect much more of the existing young woodland on site. We are living in a climate emergency. This site should be a demonstration of what can be done to incorporate trees into development, not a worst-case scenario where most trees are felled.”.

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