Green Party thanks Council contractors on replacing trees they cut down

Local Politics

Wyndham Park Grantham

Green Party thanks Council contractors on replacing trees they cut down

Local Green Party candidate Mike Turner thanks EnvironmentSK, the council’s contractors for replacing the trees they had cut down.

Members of the Wyndham Park Forum, supported by several members of the South Lincolnshire Green Party have planted over 700 trees to restore the double hedgerow that has been lost over the years and create a wild area for nature in the park.  The area is also used as a Forest School.

The Green Party’s Mike Turner said, “After three rounds of applications for trees and funding, which saw over 700 trees planted in and around the Forest School area of Wyndham Park, volunteers were dismayed that contractors on several occasions either strimmed or mowed off saplings.

“Some of the original saplings are now over 2m tall, so we are please that EnvironmentSK was able to replace the lost trees by ones of equivalent size.”.


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