Green Party Candidate Reflects on By-Election Results
Residents in the South Kesteven District Council wards of Isaac Newton and Aveland, and the Lincolnshire County Council ward of Colsterworth Rural headed to the polling booths on Thursday 24th February. The results saw the status quo maintained with wins for Conservative candidates for all three elections. Despite the result, however, our Green Party candidate, Mike Turner, remains hopeful for the future of the Green politics in the region. The Isaac Newton by-election result saw the election of Ben Green of the Conservative Party, a result that Mike hopes will mean a sympathetic ear on the council. “I’ve met Ben a couple of times now and we’ve spoken about environmental policy in this part of South Kesteven, especially given his role working for the Woodland Trust. If we can’t win the elections ourselves then at least we can have open dialogue with those that do. I look forward to offering Ben my continued thoughts and help on environmental policy within the Ward.” The Colsterworth Rural County ward was won by Conservative candidate Charlotte Vernon. It is through the county council that road and transport policies are set, and Mike hopes the new Councillor will be sympathetic to the South Lincolnshire Green Party’s active travel and transport policies. “Moving people to more forms of active travel and reducing rural village and town speed limits to 20 mph are increasing proven to make economic and environmental sense, and could vastly improve health and well-being across the county. We’ll continue to argue the case for these policies and are hopeful that Charlotte will join us in this process. It makes sense from so many angles.” Both seats went to a by-election following the passing of Conservative Councillor Bob Adams in December 2021, and many at the Polling Day Count were quick to praise Bob’s work. “In my time living in the area, I had occasion to speak to Bob on a variety of matters, from the over zealous tree felling on Whalebone Lane for the relief road project, to a proposal for 20mph zones in rural villages. We definitely didn’t always agree, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t full of respect for the work he’d put in as a public servant for the region. It was touching to see all candidates at the count, regardless of their political views, acknowledge that hard work.” The Green Party did not contest the Aveland Ward by-election, triggered by the resignation of controversial Conservative councillor, and former BNP member, Dr Peter Moseley following outrageous and widely condemned views he expressed on social media. Turnout rates remained low, with the two wards contested by the Green Party at only 22% of the electorate. Once again, Mike wasn’t too perturbed. “By-elections have notoriously low turnouts, but it was still a great exercise for myself and the SLGP. As much as we wish both Ben and Charlotte the best of luck for their new roles, we’re already looking to the future. We’ve now got a little over a year to continue to spread our message and be in even better shape for full council elections in 2023.”