Grantham and Stamford Parliamentary Constituency – Green Party Announce Candidate

Grantham and Stamford Parliamentary constituency: Green Part announce candidate


Local Green Party members have selected Anne Gayfer as their candidate for the Grantham and Stamford constituency at the next General Election.


Anne has lived in Grantham for many years, and stood for the Greens in the 2019 General Election.  Commenting on her selection, she said:


“I’m delighted to have the chance to stand again in a General Election. Both candidates currently vying to become prime minister support cuts to welfare benefits and are against free school meals, as well as being reluctant to commit to net zero by 2050.


“We need firm leadership on cutting emissions and making sure the country is adequately prepared for future extreme weather events.  And we need a politics of compassion towards the most vulnerable in society.  We need a General Election at the earliest opportunity.”


Anne is a long-standing environmental activist, has organised and led local tree-planting and wilding schemes, and is a volunteer with the local Rivercare group.  She also works hard at raising the profile of local issues such as protecting the trees at Prince William Barracks and Bourne Woods, and has pressed the council to get a new pedestrian crossing installed, potholes filled and street lighting repaired.


For further information, please contact:

Anne Gayfer,  Tel. 07443 492726

Martin Blake,  Tel. 07986 239688

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