Brett Allibone
I have lived in Stamford for over 25 years. I run a community badminton club at Stamford Welland Academy and have been a regular community volunteer in sport, litter picking and previously in Scouts.
My priorities are to protect and enhance the town’s green spaces, add a progressive voice to the climate action group and museum proposal and work hard all year round engaging with and representing Stamford residents.

Emma Baker
BOURNE AUSTERBY WARD – South Kesteven District Council
I am a Mum and a teacher. Like many, over the past few years I have become conscious of the impact I am having on the environment. And, like many, I have made lifestyle changes to support a more environmentally conscious way of living.
The phrase “But I am just one person” has been uttered by me and at me over the years and I have felt very disaffected by those changes being made harder by local and national politicians putting profit above sustainability. I am just one person, but I will be a voice of change for the people of Bourne. As a training Creative Arts Therapist I understand how change is scary, but I also see how much change is needed to grow.
I do not want our children to live in a world where green space is limited to the mandatory parks built on housing estates. I want them to experience the small joy that comes when a deer or squirrel crosses your path as you walk through the woods.

Rhys Baker
BOURNE AUSTERBY WARD – South Kesteven District Council
Rhys Baker is a councillor in the Bourne Austerby Ward, where he lives with his wife and two young children. As a teacher and SENCO at a local secondary school, he values listening to his students and their parents above all else. Rhys believes that action should never precede listening, and he intends to bring this approach to his role as district councillor. Rhys is also active in his local church, where he sings, assists with IT and gets involved with charity fundraising.
Rhys has served on the Town Council since January, where he has already made an impact by relaying the concerns of Bourne residents regarding the proposed Aldi development and offering guidance to community groups applying for the SK Prosperity fund. His council experience has given him insight into the challenges facing the community and how he can create positive change.
Rhys plans to provide more opportunities for councillors to meet with residents and listen to their voices, protect and enhance green spaces, and address anti-social behaviour. He is a proponent of open politics and welcomes residents to contact him directly.

Vanessa Smith
CASEWICK WARD – South Kesteven District Council
I have lived in this ward for several years. I am a working mum with young children. I am a doctor and work for the local NHS hospital trust. My children attend the village school and I have helped run a local playgroup. I joined the Green Party during the heatwave in July 2022 as it was clear to me that central government policies needed to change if we were going to offer the next generation any hope for the future.
Residents within my ward are currently facing a number of challenges including the loss of their local swimming pool, the imposition of gravel quarries and plans to use agricultural land for the construction of the UK’s largest solar farm.
Longer term, the area risks flooding from projected sea level rise. Many residents in Casewick feel the area is overlooked and underfunded by the District Council. I want to listen to residents and work towards solutions. I aim to give the area a new voice and speak independently for the community.